MOS OCC Field 84: Miscellaneous Requirements MOS 84
For additional information, see the official Department of the Navy Headquarters Marine Corps MOS Manual:Click here, 851 page PDF opens in a new window. Your Place to Connect & Share® with other family members with a Marine in these MOS Schools is our Official MarineParents.com MOS Facebook Group.
Specialty | School Location | FB Page | FB Page2 |
8411 Recruiter
(Ranks: SSgt to Sgt) The Recruiter must be thoroughly familiar with the enlistment process from applicant prospecting to preparation for recruit training. Recruiters work in an environment external to the normal Marine Corps post, station, and FMF environments. |
Not Listed | ||
8412 Career Recruiter
(Ranks: MGySgt to GySgt) Career Recruiters are superior recruiters who will serve to establish a cadre of professional recruiters with long-term assignments in key managerial billets to improve the management and effectiveness of the recruiting effort. |
Not Listed | ||
8421 Production Recruiter
(Ranks: SSgt to Sgt) The Production Recruiter must be thoroughly familiar with the process of joining prior service Marines and officers to the Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR), individual mobilization augmented (IMA) program, and active reserve (AR) program. |
Not Listed | ||
8422 Career Prior Service Recruiter
(Ranks: MGySgt to SSgt) Career Prior Service Recruiters are superior Production Recruiters and serve to establish a cadre of professional Prior Service Recruiters with long-term assignments in key managerial billets to improve the management and effectiveness of the recruiting effort. |
Not Listed |
#OccField84 includes the following MOS:
8411 Recruiter, MOS School: N/A
8412 Career Recruiter, MOS School: N/A
8421 Production Recruiter, MOS School: N/A
8422 Career Prior Service Recruiter, MOS School: N/A