After Graduation from the Marine Combat Training (MCT), Marines will attend schooling for their chosen MOS, or Military Occupational Specialty.
Your Marine has a 4-digit MOS number that corresponds with the title of his/her Military Occupational Specialty. Typically, your Marine will have selected an MOS during the enlistment process. The first two digits of the MOS are the OCC (Occupational Career Code), plus two additional numbers which define the specialty.
The MOS numbering system is the same for every branch of the military with very few exceptions.
MOS Schools for Marines are located at military installations around the United States. Your Marine's scheduled attendance in MOS School will depend on when the school he or she will attend has available openings. Not all MOS Schools have a start date immediately following graduation from MCT.
NOTE: Marines attending Infantry Training Battalion (ITB) (MOS = 03xx) will be assigned to their PDS, or Permanent Duty Station upon graduation. To learn more about PDS, see "Units/Duty Station" in the grey navigation bar at the top of each of our websites.
Reviewed by CH

Marine Special Operations Officers (SOOs) graduating from Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command's (MARSOC's) Individual Course will be assigned a new Primary Military Occupational Specialty, clearing the way for retention and promotion in a professional career path.
—USMC photo by Corporal Donovan Lee.