The M16A4 service rifle is the standard-issue weapon of the Marine Corps. Marines first become familiar with this weapon while at boot camp, where they are taught everything about the weapon. Marines learn it and they love it. After all, the Marine Corps' motto is "every Marine a rifleman." While in boot camp, recruits receive basic instruction and are taught to fire this weapon. Later, at the School of Infantry (SOI), they further master their rifle skills and combat marksmanship. Upon graduation from SOI, Marines will be assigned to a unit and report to their Permanent Duty Station (PDS), where they are issued their very own M16A4 that will be in their care for the next few years.
Helpful links about the Marine and his rifle:
- Every Marine a Rifleman
- Four Rifle Range Safety Rules
- Grass Week & Shooting Positions (Boot Camp Instruction)
Characteristics of the M16A4
Lightweight, magazine fed, gas operated, air-cooled, shoulder-fired weapon.
- Primary Function - Infantry weapon
- Length - 39.63 inches
- Weight - 8 pounds
- Muzzle Velocity - 2,800 FPS
- Maximum Effective Range:
Area Target - 2, 624 feet
Point Target - 1,804 feet - Rate of Fire:
Cyclic - 800 RPM
Sustained - 12-15 RPM
Semiautomatic - 45 RPM
Burst - 90 RPS - Magazine Capacity - 30 rounds
To learn more about the M16A4/A4, please click here...

Reviewed by CH

First Lieutenant Joe A. Bosnick, a platoon commander with Bravo Company, Battalion Landing Team 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, fires an M16-A4 service rifle during a weapons calibration shoot at Camp Lejeune, N.C., Nov. 7, 2014.
—U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Austin A. Lewis