MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Tetyana, Attend Graduation
Thank you Marine Parents Travel Assistance!
Posted on 10/24/2024
On Friday, October 11, 2024, Marine Parents Travel Assistance sent Tetyana, Mother of a recruit, to San Diego for the recruit's graduation from Bravo Company to become a Marine.
My family and I are so grateful for the travel assistance program. Originally, we had not planned to fly out due to our financial situation. Once we found this program, we were so grateful to be able to join my son at Family Day. I know how much this meant to him and us to be able to see him. I couldn't imagine what we would have done without this program! Thank you so much for your help! God bless. Tetyana, New Marine Mom
Marine Corps Garden Flags: MUST HAVE
Deck out your yard with these amazing USMC Garden Flags and have your lawn looking fly in no time! OOH-RAH!