MOS OCC Field 26: Signals Intelligence/Ground Electronic Warfare
For additional information, see the official Department of the Navy Headquarters Marine Corps MOS Manual:Click here, 851 page PDF opens in a new window. Your Place to Connect & Share® with other family members with a Marine in these MOS Schools is our Official MarineParents.com MOS Facebook Group.
Specialty | School Location | FB Page | FB Page2 |
2611 Cryptologic Cyberspace Analyst
(Ranks: Sgt to LCpl) Cryptologic Cyberspace Analysts are involved in all facets of planning and conduct of digital network collection and analysis. Operators must perform digital signals search missions; measure, evaluate and classify digital network signals. |
Not Listed | ||
2612 Cryptologic Cyberspace Operator
(Ranks: MGySgt to LCpl) This NMOS requires advanced cyberspace operations training. Cryptologic Cyberspace Operators are involved in all facets of planning, conducting cyberspace operations, and perform traditional signals intelligence (SIGINT) support as deemed necessary by the unit commander. |
Not Listed | ||
2613 Cryptologic Cyberspace End-Point Analyst
(Ranks: MGySgt to LCpl) This NMOS requires advanced cyberspace analytical training. Cryptologic Cyberspace Analysts are the primary planners of cyberspace operations and perform traditional signals intelligence support as deemed necessary by the unit commander. Analysts must be experts with adversary systems, networks, technologies, tools, techniques, and procedures. |
Not Listed | ||
2621 Communications Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Operator
(Ranks: Sgt to Pvt) Communications Intelligence (COMINT)/Electronic Warfare (EW) Operators exploit every phase of communications signals and digital network systems by engaging in collection, processing, exploitation, and analysis. Additional skills include planning, coordinating, and executing Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Electronic Warfare (EW) operations from start to finish while utilizing both program of record equipment as well as commercially acquired equipment. |
Goodfellow AFB, TX | FB Group | |
2623 Radio Reconnaissance Marine
(Ranks: MGySgt to Pvt) Radio Reconnaissance Marines must be able to extend and enable the national enterprise, conduct full spectrum surveys of the signals environment, provide front end analysis, and facilitate specific SIGINT/EW/CO missions. |
Not Listed | ||
2629 Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare/Cyberspace Operations Technician
(Ranks: GySgt to SSgt) This is a PMOS that requires Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW), and Cyberspace Operations (CO) training focused on collection management, operational planning and coordination, analysis, reporting, and dissemination in support of the six warfighting functions. |
Goodfellow AFB, TX | FB Group | |
2631 Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Analyst
These Marines are trained to use specialty electronic equipment to intercept and analyze signals intelligence to determine if there is a threat to the public or if there is intelligence that can be used to benefit the Marine Corps mission. |
Goodfellow AFB, TX | FB Group | |
2641 Cryptologic Language Analyst
(Ranks: Sgt to Pvt) Cryptologic Language Analysts monitor, transcribe, and translate intercepted target foreign communications; exploit every phase of designated foreign communications by engaging in collection, processing, exploitation, analysis, and reporting; and install, operate, and perform preventive maintenance of program of record as well as commercially acquired intercept equipment. |
Not Listed | ||
2642 Advanced Cryptologic Language Analyst
(Ranks: MGySgt to Pvt) Advanced Cryptologic Language Analysts monitor, transcribe, and translate intercepted target foreign communications; exploit every phase of designated foreign communications by engaging in collection, processing, exploitation, analysis, reporting, and quality control; and install, operate, and perform preventive maintenance of program of record as well as commercially acquired intercept equipment. |
Not Listed | ||
2651 Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems Engineer
System administrators for special intelligence are responsible for maintaining files and intelligence reports. They specialize in understanding all aspects of intelligence gathering and store files accordingly to ensure they are easy to access. |
Goodfellow AFB, TX | FB Group | |
2652 Intelligence Data Engineer
(Ranks: MGySgt to LCpl) 2652 Intelligence Data Engineer's duties encompass direct support to the Marine Corps Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance Enterprise by enabling methods of Vocabulary, Taxonomy, and Ontology (VTO) structures, organized meta-tagging for intelligence data, managing local repositories, and connecting to external data and cloud services. |
Not Listed | ||
2653 Intelligence Software/Security Engineer
(Ranks: MGySgt to LCpl) Intelligence Software Engineer's duties encompass direct support to the Marine Corps Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance Enterprise by designing, developing, and enabling software-based solutions to intelligence challenges across the enterprise, to include knowledge management, skill management, instructional aids, user applications and research, advanced data and cybersecurity strategies, national intelligence policy, across multiple classification domains. |
Not Listed | ||
2659 Intelligence Technology and Data Chief
(Ranks: MGySgt to MSgt) The Intelligence Technology and Data Chief role encompasses data science and technology management, national intelligence enterprise services, and Marine Corps ISR Enterprise (MCISRE) architectural design. |
Not Listed | ||
2691 Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare/Cyberspace Operations Chief
(Ranks: MGySgt to MSgt) Duties encompass Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW), and Cyberspace Operations (CO) planning, personnel and asset management, collection management, analysis, dissemination efforts, and ensuring national-to-tactical SIGINT/EW/CO integration. |
Not Listed |
#OccField26 includes the following MOS:
2611 Cryptologic Cyberspace Analyst, MOS School: N/A
2612 Cryptologic Cyberspace Operator, MOS School: N/A
2613 Cryptologic Cyberspace End-Point Analyst, MOS School: N/A
2621 Communications Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Operator, MOS School: Goodfellow AFB, TX
2623 Radio Reconnaissance Marine, MOS School: N/A
2629 Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare/Cyberspace Operations Technician, MOS School: Goodfellow AFB, TX
2631 Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Analyst, MOS School: Goodfellow AFB, TX
2641 Cryptologic Language Analyst, MOS School: N/A
2642 Advanced Cryptologic Language Analyst, MOS School: N/A
2651 Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems Engineer, MOS School: Goodfellow AFB, TX
2652 Intelligence Data Engineer, MOS School: N/A
2653 Intelligence Software/Security Engineer, MOS School: N/A
2659 Intelligence Technology and Data Chief, MOS School: N/A
2691 Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare/Cyberspace Operations Chief, MOS School: N/A